Prošlog ponedeljka konačno su na našu adresu stigli nedostajući odgovori od JP "Putevi Srbije" na pitanja građana postavljanja prilikom javne rasprave maja meseca prošle godine.
01 (Q13): koliki je iznos
naknade za promenu namene šume iz člana 11. I 12. Zakona o šumama za koju znamo
da treba da bude u visini desetostruke vrednosti šume čija se namena menja?
Pitanje 02
(Q13): Ko procenjuje tu vrednost?
Question no 13: How much is
the fee for changing purposes of forests? Who estimate the value of subject
Odgovor 01 i 02 (A13): Saglasno članu 11. i 12. Zakona o šumama
(Sl.Gl. RS br. 30/10, 93/12 i 89/15), za promenu namene šume i šumskog
zemljišta koja je u ovom slučaju zahtevana opštim interesom utvrđenim Rešenjem
Vlade Republike Srbije plaća se naknada u visini desetostruke vrednosti šume čija
namena se menja.
Prema nalazu ovlašćenog sudskog veštaka za oblast šumarstva
vrednost drvne zapremine za 261 drvo
koje će biti posečeno u Park šumi „Borići“ iznosi 141.789,35 dinara (1.181,60
Saglasno članu 12. Zakona o šumama, naknada za promenu namene
dela park šume „Borići“ platiće se u visini desetostruke vrednosti posečene
šume, odnosno 1.417.893,50 dinara (11.816,00 EUR)
Rešenje o visini naknade za promenu namene šume i šumskog
zemljišta doneće ministar nadležan za poslove šumarstva.
Answer no 13: According to the Article 11 of the
Forest Law (Off.Gaz. RS nr. 30/10, 93/12 i 89/15), a fee shall be paid for
forest land-use change which is in this case required by the public interest
laid down by the Government act (Off.Gaz. RS nr.
28/10 od 30. aprila 2010.). The fee for forest land-use change shall be paid in
the amount of the tenfold value of the forest subject to land-use change.
Respecting conclusions given within
the Report produced by authorized court expert, the value of
timber volume of 261 tree that will
be cut down in the Forest Park "Borići" is 141,789.35 dinars (€
Pursuant to Article 12 of the Forest
Law, the fee for change of use of part of the forest-park "Borići"
will be paid in the amount of ten times the value of cutted forest, meaning 1,417,893.50
dinars (€ 11,816.00)
The decision on the amount of fee for
the change of use of forests and forest land will be issued by the minister
responsible for forestry.
Pitanje 03
(Q14): Kako se procenjuje ta vrednost ?
Question no 14: How the value of subject fee
is estimated?
Odgovor 03 (A14): Utvrđivanje osnovice i obračun vrednosti
šume i šumskog zemljišta za promenu namene izvršio je ovlašćeni sudski veštak
za poslove šumarstva, u skladu sa Zakonom o šumama i propisom kojim se uređuje
postupak eksproprijacije. Obračun je izvršen prema vrsti, broju i kvalitetu
stabala određenih za seču, a na bazi Cenovnika proizvoda šumarstva (JP
„Srbijašume“, br. 26/2015-8 od 06.marta 2015.) i Cenovnika ogrevnog drveta i
drveta na panju (JP „Srbijašume“, br. 31/2015-3 od 11.maja 2015.)
Naknada se plaća u visini desetostruke vrednosti utvrđene
osnovice, odnosno vrednosti šume i šumskog zemljišta za promenu namene.
Answer no 14: Establishing
the basis and calculation of the value of forests and forest land use change
was made by a certified court expert for forestry, in accordance with the
Forestry Act and the regulation governing the procedure of expropriation. The
calculation was made according to the type, number and quality of certain trees
for cutting, based on the Price List of forestry products
("Srbijašume", no. 26 / 2015-8 of 06.March 2015) and Price List of
firewood and timber on the stump (JP "Srbija", no. 31 / 2015-3 of 11
May 2015)
fee is payable in the amount of ten times the value of the base determined, and
the value of forests and forest land use change.
Pitanje 06
(Q18): Da
li je vrednost originalnog i izmenjenog projekta obuhvatila i cenu ove naknade
Question no 18: Does the value of
the original and alternative Project include the cost of these fees?
Odgovor 06 (A18): Da. I originalni projekat i izmenjeni
projekat su obuhvatili vrednost ove naknade. Naknada po originalnom projektu se
odnosila na seču 894 stabla, dok po izmenjenom projektu za 261 drvo JPPS će platiti naknadu u iznosu od 1.417.893,50 dinara
(11.816,00 EUR).
Answer no 18: Yes. The original project and the
revised project included the value of these fee. A fee for the original project
was related to the cutting of 894 trees, while on the revised project PERS will
pay fee in the amount of 1,417,893.50 dinars (€ 11,816.00) for for 261 trees
that will be cut off.
07 (Q19): Da li je EIB odobrila kredit sa
uračunatom stavkom ove naknade?
Question no 19: Do EIB approve a
loan including this charge?
Odgovor 07 (A19): Odobrenje kredita ne uključuje analizu do ovog nivoa
detaljnosti, poput alternativnih projektnih rešenja denivelisanih
raskrsnica. Sve dok predmetna komponenta projekta nastavlja ispunjavati svrhu
predviđenu projektom, ne ugrožava ekonomsku opravdanost projekta i ispunjava ekološke
standarde, takve promene ne zahtijevaju posebno odobrenje od EIB-a i / ili
izmjene i dopune ugovora o kreditu.
Answer no 19: The loan approval does not go down to this level of detail, like
alteration of an interchange ramp. For as long as the respective project
component continues to fulfil the purpose foreseen in the project, it does not
compromise project’s economic justification and it complies with the
environmental and social standards, such changes do not require a specific
approval from the EIB and/or an amendment of the loan agreement.
Pitanje 08
(Q20): Da
li će ova naknada biti plaćena Ministarstvu poljoprivrede i zaštite životne
sredine ? U kom trenutku će ona biti plaćena ?
Question no 20: Will this fee be
paid to the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment? At what point will it be
Odgovor 08 (A20): Saglasno članu 12. Zakona o šumama, sredstva
ostvarena od naknade prihod su budžeta Republike Srbije. Sredstva ostvarena od
naknada namenski se koriste preko budžetskih fondova iz čl. 81 . i 83 . Zakona
o šumama, prioritetno za podizanje novih šuma.
Saglasno članu 11. Zakona o šumama, za promenu namene šuma i
šumskog zemljišta dela Park šume „Borići“ naknada će biti plaćena jednokratno pre
krčenja šume.
Answer no 20: Pursuant to Article 12 of the
Forest Law, the resources obtained by fee shall be earmarked for forest
establishment, through Budget Funds under Articles 81 and 83 of the Forest Law.
Pursuant to Article 11 of the Forest
Law, the fee shall be paid once, before cutting trees.
Pitanje 09
(Q21): Da
li neki zakon dozvoljava seču šumu bez prethodnog plaćanja naknade za promenu
namene ?
Question no 21: Do some law allows
cutting of the forest without the payment of fee for the change in use?
Odgovor 09 (A21): Saglasno članu 11. Zakona o šumama za
promenu namene šuma i šumskog zemljišta, ne plaća se naknada u
slučajevima kada se promena namene šume i šumskog zemljišta vrši:
3) radi
izgradnje objekata za zaštitu ljudi i materijalnih dobara od elementarnih
nepogoda i odbrane zemlje;
4) u postupku
komasacije i arondacije poljoprivrednog zemljišta i šuma;
5) radi
izgradnje ekonomskih ili stambenih objekata sopstvenika šuma na površini do 10
Saglasno članu 85. Zakona o šumama ne plaća se naknada
za korišćenje šuma sa površina na kojima se vrši sanacija šteta u skladu sa
sanacionim planom.
Answer no 21: Pursuant to Article 11. of the Forest Law, a fee shall not be paid if the forest land-use
change is performed:
3) for
the construction of the improvements for the protection of citizens and
material goods from natural disasters, and for national defence;
4) in
the procedure of redistribution and consolidation of agricultural land and
5) for
the construction of auxiliary buildings or dwelling houses for forest owners on
the area of less than 10 ares;
Pursuant to Article 85 of the Forest
Law, a fee shall not be paid for the use of forests with the
surface on which is carried out repairs of damages in accordance with the
rehabilitation plan.
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